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Life Teen Missions Haiti

HAITI MISSIONS MÈSI BONDYE MÈSI Life Teen Mission Trips to Haiti are an unforgettable opportunity to answer the Gospel call to “go and make disciples of all nations.” From work projects around the St. Pope John Paul II base, to home visits around the area, to prison ministry near Miragoâne, […]


INSPIRATION TOUR INSPIRATION TOUR Roller Coasters. Funnel Cake. A sound caught somewhere between a laugh and a scream. Today, the Road to Emmaus might look a little different, but the purpose is still the same: walk with them. The Inspiration tour provides you an opportunity to hangout, have fun, and walk […]


ATL EAST FLA LONE STAR WEST COMMUNITY Every teen wants to belong, yet lies fill their heads convincing them that they don’t. The pace of life, the pressure of society, and the digital landscape are constantly reminding them of how they fail to measure up, and all of those things […]

Life Teen Parish Training

PARISH TRAINING WHAT IS LIFE TEEN PARISH TRAINING? Youth ministry often comes with a lot of baggage: youth ministry turnover, pastor change, Core Team (adult volunteers) drama, or two to three parishes clustering together. Some parishes have never before had a youth ministry program and are overwhelmed at all that […]