
He Trusted in the Cross: the Addicted Saint

Do we think we have to stop sinning so often or get our lives together (whatever that even means) before we can really come before Him? Yes, He’s the ultimate healer, and we get that (or at least we think we do), but right now…we’re just too messy. Too broken. Too sinful. Too lost. Too far gone.

Where is God?

The worst things will happen. So when you see them, encounter them, feel them, or have them happen to you, know that this is not a reason to dismiss God. He is there.

More than MLK

While MLK’s contributions to the confrontation of injustice definitely should *not* be ignored, we *should* make an effort to get to know some of the other Black Christians that made the Kingdom of God present on Earth through justice work.

Why Do Catholics Cross Their Head, Lips, and Heart at Mass?

In the outward sign of crossing our forehead, lips, and heart, we are asking that the Word of God to pierce our mind, lips, and hearts. We cross our forehead so that the Word of God may be in our thoughts and purify our minds. We cross our lips so that our speech may be holy and incline us to share the Gospel with others. And we cross our hearts to invite God to strengthen our love for Him and others. All of this is so that we might know, proclaim, and love Jesus Christ all the more.

Why Do Catholics Cross Their Head, Lips, and Heart at Mass?

In the outward sign of crossing our forehead, lips, and heart, we are asking that the Word of God to pierce our mind, lips, and hearts. We cross our forehead so that the Word of God may be in our thoughts and purify our minds. We cross our lips so that our speech may be holy and incline us to share the Gospel with others. And we cross our hearts to invite God to strengthen our love for Him and others. All of this is so that we might know, proclaim, and love Jesus Christ all the more.