When the Saints Go Marching

All Saints Day is a day for us to celebrate the lives of not just the well-known saints, not just even those with the St. in front of their name, but it is a celebration of every single person in heaven. Your spiritual BFFs. This means on All Saints Day, we celebrate the feast day of our own friends and family who are in heaven.

A Superheroic, On-Fire Edge Support Box

We at Life Teen are committed to equipping you with high-quality ministry resources. We’d love to know how these August 2021 resources have helped you lead teens closer to Christ.

Into the Light: Making the Summer Count

I believe we need spiritual safety glasses for our lives and ministries this summer. As things continue to open up and return to varying degrees of normalcy, many of us will be wrestling with the messy reality of moving back “into the light” after spending many months shrouded by the darkness of a global pandemic.

The Family – The Building Block of Society & Hope of the World

A family at the beach during sunset

Because the family is the basic cell of society, and because we are called to be in relationship with one another, each Christian has the right and duty to participate in society, be an active member of one’s community, and contribute to the good and well-being of all families. Especially those who are poor and vulnerable.

Love in the Desert

Arizona sunset

The desert has always been a place of death and life. Perhaps this is why it figures so prominently into the narrative of God and humanity. God leads people into a harsh wilderness to wander, but not without purpose. In the wilderness, God and the people build a relationship.

A Lived Faith – The Dignity of the Person

A girl in the woods

Maybe it sounds harsh. But I think our society has somehow forgotten this essential truth that has been made known for us from the very beginning: “God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Mary, Ever-Virgin?

Statue of Mary

Mary remains a sign of the Church as a spiritual mother to us as Christ’s family as Jesus is her only son. (CCC 507). Mary is more than a vessel, but herself a sign to all of us.

How to Celebrate Marian Feast Days

Statue of Mary

Did you know that the month of May is dedicated to Our Lady? It’s true! The Church gives special honor to the Blessed Virgin Mary during the month of May. And of course, there are many Marian feasts throughout the year, but how often do we actually pause to reflect upon these Catholic traditions of ours? Do we actually celebrate Our Lady in a way that honors and upholds her dignity as the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven? Here are several ways you can celebrate Our Lady’s patronage of the Church on any Marian feast of the year.

Prayer as a Youth Minister

praying hands

Ministry is ironic because those of us who minister often find it difficult to be ministered to. We encourage and teach teens to pray, but how often do we pray outside of ministry? We tell others to keep holy the Sabbath, but we put in twelve-hour days on Sundays. Isn’t it ironic?