Mass, Family, and More!

middle school boys looking at posted notes

The new year has begun, and it is off to the races, and so are we. Your brand new Edge Support Box for March 2021 is now live online and on its way to your parish. We are excited to share with you what we’ve been cooking up for this Spring!

The Lie of Self-Reliance


I can do it on my own…I don’t need anyone…I can’t trust anyone…I can only trust myself. Have you ever said anything like this? Or, have you ever believed that you could make it through this life on your own? We live in a time where being independent, totally independent, is a sought-after quality.

Creativity in Prayer


We all have taken on a ‘do whatever it takes’ mentality in ministry over these challenging and uncertain months. But, as we have all taken on new responsibilities, new roles, and navigated through these rough waters, we recognize that some areas of our own lives may need that same attention and creativity.

2020: Finding Gratitude in the Small Matters

Today I am Grateful book

At the moment, 2020 has felt long. It has felt arduous and unfair. It’s been uncomfortable and I’ve been tempted repeatedly to go mad by this plaguing question of “why?” It’s such a tempting question… After all, it holds the promise of fulfilling or, rather, filling our hearts with something we all desire: answers.

Inviting Teens Deeper

Men praying

The beauty of discipleship is that the more you work, the more workers you create. As teens become disciples, they will be able to make their friends disciples.

Rediscovering the Beauty of Spiritual Communion


When churches closed, I couldn’t help but be frustrated that these “unprecedented times” seemed to have won. Watching Mass was not the same as attending Mass, and yet, even though I knew that this was the best we were going to get, I felt so disconnected from our Lord.

Maintaining Peace in the Midst of a Pandemic

person praying at sunset

After beginning this journey with interior peace, I realized I wasn’t stepping back and quieting the human voices in my life long enough to actually listen to God, Himself.