40 Ways for 40 Days: Staying Rooted in Prayer this Lent

Woman holding a bible

Let each of the following prayers act as an inch to your tree of faith this Lent. Each prayer is designed to lead you more deeply into this season and the majority can be prayed in 10 min or less. Pick and choose one prayer for each day or simply repeat one of these prayers for the 40 days of this season.

To Everyone Who’s Ever Been Distracted at Mass

Inside of church

You wake up at 8 am on a Sunday to go to Mass with your family. You’re doing great during the readings, listening attentively, noticing connections between them. You even stay awake for the whole homily, even though you can’t quite understand the visiting priest’s accent.

10 Songs You NEED to Add to Your Worship Playlist

Praise and Worship

Worship becomes a prayer that we sing over our lives and sing over our hearts. Any place we are at in our spiritual journey, worship can speak the truth of God’s love and God’s mercy when we most need to hear it. Here are 10 worship songs to amp up your prayer this month.

Things the Bible Won’t Tell You


We’re looking for an answer. We toss up a Hail Mary, close our eyes, open the Bible…and point. Bible Roulette. The answer to all of life’s questions. Right?

Wrong. So wrong, y’all.

My Favorite Prayer Tools

I always feel a tinge of guilt when my mind suddenly wanders off or my hand goes towards my phone in the middle of prayer. But by God’s mercy and grace, He has led me to different tools that I can use to have a deeper and more meaningful time spent in prayer.

Stuck in a Rut: How to Reignite Your Prayer Life

Maybe the fire has become a spark. Maybe the emotional aspects of prayer have diminished and it has rather becoming a grueling task to tick off the to-do list. Regardless of whatever season you may be in, there is always a need to rekindle, revamp, and renew prayer.

Why Mass?

Yes, we prayed to God and talked about love.
Yes, we made the effort to be in a house (well, field) of worship.
Yes, there was even bread to symbolize the Last Supper.

But, I knew, in my heart of hearts that this wasn’t what I was entirely created for.

Jumping into the Sacred Heart

Seriously – Jesus really does love you. This isn’t just a nice idea that we tell ourselves. It’s true. That being said, we should all try to do a better job of remembering what that really means for us. One good way to do this is to consider taking up a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.