Sarah McMahon
Sarah McMahon

Lent: The Cure for My Laziness

I recently saw this meme on my feed and thought “haha so true.” Then, I texted my friend to complain that I don’t have a great community where I’m living yet. Then, I went back to watching Fixer Upper until it was time for bed, said some prayers, and drifted

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Sarah McMahon

I Started Praying with Mary and This is What Happened

For a long time I faked having a relationship with Mary. Even after I had a relationship with God, and leadership roles at my parish I just didn’t give it much thought. I didn’t even know how to correctly say the rosary until I did summer missions in college. So

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Sarah McMahon

This is What Death with Dignity is Really About

As we come to halfway point of the year of mercy I need to come clean. I haven’t gone the extra mile, I haven’t picked up a new work of mercy to embark on during this time, I haven’t frequented reconciliation more or prepared better for my encounters with the

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Sarah McMahon

That’s True Love.

He admired a love that was willing to sacrifice for the good of the other. He admired a love that was authentic and joyful in that sacrifice.

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Sarah McMahon

Is This What You Call a Fast?

Usually I do the whole fasting thing to the extreme. I still take care of myself but I give up a lot of extra things like chocolate, candy, meat, cheese, etc. the list goes on.

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