Niki Mallinak
crying woman
Niki Mallinak

When Friends “Break Up”

When I lost my friend, I lost the one person I could text at any time; even if I didn’t know what to say, we would start a conversation. I lost the one who understood when I was sad but would also make me smile, and I missed the way we could communicate with just a look.

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woman speaking
Niki Mallinak

The Power of a Young Voice

Fifteen-year-old Greta Thurnberg had just entered High School when in August 2018, she began striking from school on Fridays to protest the Swedish government’s lack of action in climate control. Since then, she’s become a leading teen activist on the matter and even been on a tour of North America to give speeches across multiple countries.

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Niki Mallinak

Why Comparison is Hurting Your Prayer Life

I was in the middle of working on my own prayer life, and it’s not worth any less just because it didn’t look like anyone else’s. It only seemed ordinary because I was used to it, not because it was any less than enough.

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Niki Mallinak

Jumping Back Into Journaling

Sometimes the ideas flow freely, but other days they don’t seem to come at all; that’s perfectly okay! Here’s a list of a few of my favorite starters – some questions to answer and some ideas to explore about yourself…

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Niki Mallinak

St. Paul, Conversion, and You

Imagine setting off on a long journey over dusty roads to imprison and kill the members of a radical group who threatened your way of life; people who actually thought they could change the way you worshiped. They had to be stopped, everywhere, and there’s nothing on this earth that

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