Elizabeth Bayardi
Elizabeth Bayardi

God in the Uprising

Overcome by anger, I turned to Jesus, who also experienced anger. When Jesus turned the tables at the temple (Mark 11:15-17), he did so because the people who were trying to encounter God there were being excluded; they were being taken advantage of and mistreated.

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baby angel statue
Elizabeth Bayardi

How to Survive a Boring Homily

The hope is that we gain new insight from each homily we hear, but that isn’t always the reality. So, here are some tips for what to do when you find yourself sitting through a homily that you just can’t seem to connect with.

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church ceilings
Elizabeth Bayardi

The Church is Meant for All

Recently, I was having breakfast with a friend of mine. In the midst of catching up about life, love, and everything in between, she mentioned that it’s been a while since she’s been to Mass. I was kind of surprised by this, as she was always super involved at church.

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Elizabeth Bayardi

Getting to Know Sophia

It is in this divine revelation that I am empowered to embrace my female identity even more fully. It is here that I am a woman, lovingly created in the image and likeness of God.

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Elizabeth Bayardi

How to Spend the “Best Date”

April 25 tends to bring clear skies and plenty of sunshine. Here are some ideas for how to get the most out of the “best date” of the year, as well as the entire spring season.

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Elizabeth Bayardi

Embrace Your Inner Environmentalist

Pope Francis goes on to call for a change in our habits in order to preserve the environment we have been blessed with and called to protect. Following in his footsteps, here are some ideas for how you can reduce your ecological footprint, leaving this beautiful Earth we are privileged to inhabit better than you found it.

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Elizabeth Bayardi

A Guide to Galentine’s Day

While those of us who lack a S.O. may be tempted to hate on this holiday, only finding solace in the fact that all of the leftover candy will be discounted on February 15th, Valentine’s Day isn’t just a holiday for couples. And ladies, single or not, that’s what I want to talk about.

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