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Dear Future Husband…

When a man loves a woman he doesn’t just say it. He proves it. I want you to know future husband that I pray for you everyday. It’s very hard for me to be a godly woman in this society, I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it is for you to be a godly man in this society. When I pray for you I ask that Jesus will help you become the man of God that he has created you to be, then I pray that your guardian angel will protect your eyes, ears, mouth from sin and anything that might dim the luster of your heart that must mirror only Christ-like purity.

Biggest and Best List of Confirmation Saints (for Guys and Girls)

The following list is for you to use as a starting point in your journey to decide whom your “Confirmation saint-buddy” will be. Pick a saint who speaks to you somehow. Know their story. But, mostly know the power of their prayer. Ask for their intercession like you would ask for the prayers of your friends. Saying “yes” to a Confirmation saint is like saying “yes, you may always pray for my poor and weary soul.”

The God of Sticky Notes

Two weeks ago, I woke up to no less than nine sticky notes posted in the bathroom. Each of them, brightly colored, framed the mirror above my sink. It took me a moment to realize they were even there (I am not a morning person) and another couple of minutes […]

What Makes You Awesome

I’m not good enough. I’m not strong enough. I’m not cool enough. Nobody loves me. These little voices use to mull around in my brain on a daily basis. Am I enough? I remember hanging out with my friends and watching how their awesomeness shined through them. This was a […]

When the Saints Seem too Cool for You

The saints lived incredible, heroic, nearly unbelievable moments because their love for God was just as radical in those moments as it was in the most un-incredible moments of their lives.

He Was Only 14: A Case to End Bullying

He lived, but I will never forget the look on his face when he awoke in his hospital room. It was a look of disappointment. He was disappointed because he would rather be dead that have to live with the kind of torment he went through at school.