I’m Ready: A New Year’s Playlist

2016, I’m ready for you.

As I like to do at the dawn of various events in my life, I created a little playlist to pump me (and hopefully you) up for the exciting year we have before us! Let the melodies provided here encourage, motivate, inspire, and excite you. 2016 is a new year, full of new opportunities for change, growth, and joy. Embrace every single one of those opportunities and let these songs be your soundtrack along the way. Get ready for 2016 and let this year be your own beautiful montage of adventure, seeking Christ in everything you do along the way.

Click here to listen on Spotify

Editor’s Note: We want to be sure you know that Life Teen has no control over any ads that you hear while listening to this playlist on a free spotify account. Also, just because a song is included on the playlist, that does not imply that we endorse or support everything about the artist and/or their music.