Is Abstinence Stupid?

The world thinks this whole thing is stupid. And maybe you do, too. But let’s debunk the myths because, y’all, abstinence is awesome. I’ll shout it from the rooftops if I have to.

Oh, Happy Fault

I lost my virginity in college. It’s not a part of my journey that I’m bragging about or proud of — far from it.

Yes to Real Sex

Lest you be mistaken, God, the Catholic Church, myself, and everyone at isn’t trying to say ‘NO, NO, NO!’ to sex. We’re just all about saying ‘yes’ to real sex . . . sex as God intends it to be — within the Sacrament of Marriage.

A world where people sing songs about how they're perfectly good at being 'bad' and radio edits of songs switch 'love' in for the 'f' word like there's no difference. Society has taken something sacred, designed by God to unite couples in the Sacrament of Marriage and cooperate in bringing new life into the world ‘Ìâ‰âÂÌâ‰Ûù and categorized it as just another extracurricular activity.

We’re in Love… Is it Okay to Have Sex Before Marriage?

I’ve got to hand it to you guys: you are so, so creative. I have a lot of friends who are teens, since I work with teens full-time and volunteer at my parish’s youth ministry. And I love watching my newsfeeds blow up with these crazy, over-the-top “promposals.” You know, […]

The Many Hazards of a Co-Ed Sleepover

So you’ve decided you’re not going to have sex until you get married. You’ve heard the reasons and agree with God’s plan for your body and soul. Good call. However, unless you live under a rock, you know that this is an easy decision to make and a much more […]