The Life-Changing Experience That is Camp Covecrest

And it was then that I felt Jesus telling me I needed a break from the outside world — to go somewhere as a sort of escape from all these distractions pulling me down. And I knew right where I needed to go, Camp Covecrest.

I Found God on a Rooftop

That night when I went to bed I felt unaccomplished. Sure, I had painted three houses that day and worked on some other small projects, but I did not see how my actions were truly “changing lives” as they said I was.

Finding God in the Midst of Change

In the first few weeks of settling down in a completely new environment, encountering new people, and adjusting with the new life I’ll be having in the next few years; my trust in Him was gradually crumbling into pieces.

Broken at Your Feet

Everyday I have to remind myself to glorify God in my identity in Him. It is a constant reminder that my identity is in Him and Him alone, and the best way to glorify Him is to continue to be who He has created me to be, His beloved son.

Chainsaws and Humility

When I applied to be a Summer Missionary at Covecrest, I knew I’d be working with high school students. It was the chainsaw that I didn’t expect.