Blessed the Beggar: Who Are the “Poor in Spirit”?

This is one of those Scripture passages that many people 'know' (meaning, they've heard it before) but countless people fail to understand. My own parochial school teacher taught us that it simply meant God loves poor people 'more.'

Ummm, to put it as charitably and bluntly as possible . . . no, that's not what it means . . .

How the Women of the Bible Became My Friends

In early January, my friend sent me a video of a spoken word by an artist named Janette, titled, “I Will Wait for You”. In the poem, Janette shares how she used to settle for men who did not love her well, hurting her heart and soul. This experience inspired […]

The One Bible Verse I Always Pray With

I love this verse on so many levels. It is clear and concise. It is present and unwavering. It is strong but still tender, challenging yet comforting. In short, it is everything a good Father should be.

This is Why You Need to Read St. Mark’s Gospel… Immediately

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrkkkk!” she shouted, letting all in our neighborhood know that my presence was needed at home immediately. I could always tell when my mother was worried about my whereabouts and my mother had the uncanny knack of turning my name – a one-syllable word – into a multi-syllable exclamation that […]

10 Ways That Doubting Thomas is All of Us

Let’s recap the story and I’ll prove to you that even though you live in 2016 and not back in the day of no transportation or showers, you know you’ve done all these things too.

The Real Meaning of Faith

My understanding of faith even through high school was that if I tried hard enough to believe then maybe my faith would be strong.