The Harshest Thing You’ll Hear in Confession

Let’s think about the weight of these words for a moment. When the priest absolves you, God is also saying, “I love you, I have always loved you.” “You are mine. I delight in you. I have not left you an orphan.” “I am not ashamed of you, afraid of you, or disgusted with you.”

8 Things You Need to Know About Confirmation

Maybe you have recently been dedicating a lot of time preparing and learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation so that, in the next few months, you can count yourself as one of the thousands of Catholics that receive it every year. If this is the case, congratulations! Read on for some crucial facts that everyone preparing for Confirmation should know.

Sunday Mass Obligation: A Gift not a Rule

So, instead of wondering whether I needed to go to Mass, I began wondering whether I wanted to go to Mass. In other words, did God give us the Mass because it truly makes our lives better? Because if He did, then it should be high up on my priorities.

What Jesus Thinks About “That One Sin”

That’s where I was about a year and a half ago. I was still going to Church every Sunday, and I was involved in a youth group, but I wasn’t praying as much. Life slowly became less about loving God and loving the people around me, and more about what I wanted. Sin, and one form of sin in particular, started to make its way back into my life.

I am Not Worthy: Accepting Infinite Love

We are not worthy of the heart of God for countless reasons and there’s nothing we can do to make us of deserving of that heart. You want to hear the good news? All of that does not matter.

Why Mass is Better than Adoration

Perhaps the reason why so many of us feel like Adoration is better than Mass is because we anticipate and prepare our hearts. We walk in expecting a Heavenly experience. Do we do that for the Mass too?

Seeking Fun and Finding Joy

I wasn’t unfamiliar with the sacraments but having them be the focus of each day was completely new to me.