What 9 Catholic Men Have to Say About Abortion

“11 years ago my girlfriend at the time told me she was pregnant, but because she already had one fatherless child and I was a drunk and an addict she told me she was going to abort the baby. I was not practicing my faith back then but I knew it was wrong. I fought for her to keep the baby but in the end I gave up . . . “

Blessed Be God’s Holy Name

God reveals himself to us because He is our Father and we are his beloved children. Knowing His name means we can know Him. Blessed be God’s holy name, indeed.

How to be Pro-Life: A Guide for Every Day of the Year

There’s a lot of talk about being pro-life right now. It’s almost like it’s trendy to be pro-life every time January comes around.

However, it’s a lot easier to jump on board with the trending topic on Twitter than it is to live out a controversial moral belief. So how do you live “pro-life”? How do you take the sentiments of January into February and beyond?

Save the Humans

I can remember being a freshman in high school, hearing the word “abortion,” and having no idea what it was. I was walking through the streets of Washington DC with hundreds of thousands of other people. They were chanting and waving signs and praying fervently. My toes were freezing and […]