The Power of a Young Voice

woman speaking

Fifteen-year-old Greta Thurnberg had just entered High School when in August 2018, she began striking from school on Fridays to protest the Swedish government’s lack of action in climate control. Since then, she’s become a leading teen activist on the matter and even been on a tour of North America to give speeches across multiple countries.

Seeing God in the Everyday


It wasn’t until I started to ask God to reveal Himself to me that I began to see His graces and love being poured out of others and from within myself. It wasn’t until I began to foster a relationship with Jesus, that I began to see God.

The Truth About Being “TikTok Famous”

teens hanging out

I scrolled through social media endlessly, including the oh-so infamous, TikTok. I found a solution to my boredom and decided to make a video, particularly about my unique (or so I thought) “type” I am attracted to. In a matter of hours, people were using my audio, reposting the video, sharing it, etc. I was living up to my high school superlative of “Most likely to be a meme.”

The Gospel… According to Michael Scott

world's best boss mug

When telling people the message of the Gospel, we can sometimes dive into a deep theological discussion, which isn’t always helpful. We can easily confuse our friends and even confuse ourselves.

Why Death Isn’t Spooky


However, it almost always seems like this holiday stirs up a desire within our society to celebrate death and all things scary. Zombies, mummies, blood, vampires… ghosts and demons?! It’s almost like they are trying to scare us to death (hehe, puns).

The Possible Danger of Relationship Goals

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For how often and how much we fawn over famous relationships and their respective dynamics, we can’t let this obsession become an imaginary standard, or twist our own #relationshipgoals into a direct reflection of what we see in popular culture.

Authentic Sisterhood

Every hope I had for true, authentic sisterhood where women built each other up was shattered by the words of women who put themselves and others down. I lived in the comfort of shallow female friendships that only knew me by my appearance, not my heart.

I Think I Want a Relationship with Jesus… Now What?

The longing you may be experiencing can be the first step of a journey for seeking truth. He only asks that you seek Him and cooperate with his efforts to sanctify you. But that can seem like a daunting mission. How do we answer the call of our Creator to deeper union with Him?

A Formula for Forming Authentic Identity

Personal Brands and Muddled Identities The pressure is real: to look, be, and act a certain way… It can be exhausting. We create brands so others perceive us the way we want them to. Where is the line between our authentic identity and the personal “brands” we create? On one […]