Kelly Simpson
Kelly Simpson

Dealing With Disobedience

I always think about how Jesus would react to middle schoolers. Every time they misbehave, I imagine that Jesus would say to them, “You have no idea all that I have done and will continue to do for you.” And so I aim to love them just as Christ does.

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Kelly Simpson

“Hey, What’s Your Snap?”

For many teens, Snapchat is their primary form of communication. They often prefer it over texting or other social media platforms. Honestly, I don’t blame them. Snap chat offers everything a typical phone offers. You can chat with some, group chat with multiple people, make phone calls, and make video calls with one or multiple people.

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Kelly Simpson

Putting Up Guardrails: Helping Teens Set Boundaries

I love using this analogy of guardrails when discussing boundaries with teenagers. In all aspects of your life, you need boundaries to help you create space and to help prevent injury. But the most important relationship to establish boundaries in is your romantic relationships. It can often be difficult helping teens establish healthy boundaries in their relationships. Here are recommended things to emphasize to teens who are setting boundaries in their relationships.

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Kelly Simpson

Helping Teens Through Heartbreak

This is the reality of the world. Teenagers are experiencing things way earlier than previous generations. Most teenagers will experience some romantic heartbreak in High School. So how do we help them? Below are practicals to keep in mind when helping a teenager deal with heartbreak.

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two girls on a swing set
Kelly Simpson

Journeying with Reluctant Teenagers

Today, I’m a living testament to God’s sense of humor. You can’t tell me that God doesn’t have a sense of humor by taking me, one of the most reluctant teenagers, and calling me to become a Youth Minister.

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two girls and a boy
Kelly Simpson

5 Tips for Running a Successful Life Night

We’ve all been there. Everything seems to happen at the worst times and all at once. Though we cannot always prevent the poorly timed questions and spilled dinners, we can prepare for Life Nights so that the food on the ground doesn’t seem as stressful.

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