"Sharing the Faith" Series
Lt. John Giltinan

Sharing the Faith: The Right “Wrong” Path

_________________________________ The “Sharing the Faith” Life Teen Blog Series features testimonies of core members who find creative ways to live out the Gospel in their unique vocational fields. _________________________________   “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his

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Helena Heffernan

Small Group Time Doesn’t Need to Be Torture

As a former youth minister, I remember how my Edge core team dreaded small group time. At a point, it became such an obvious frustration that I decided to investigate the cause of this hatred by leading the small groups myself. One Edge Night, I donned my “Small Group Leader”

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Kelly Simpson

Dealing With Disobedience

I always think about how Jesus would react to middle schoolers. Every time they misbehave, I imagine that Jesus would say to them, “You have no idea all that I have done and will continue to do for you.” And so I aim to love them just as Christ does.

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Jill Bagshaw

The Four Necessities for Reaching Middle Schoolers

I worked in church ministry for a long time, positioning my involvement in proximity to middle school youth ministry. (I have the evidence documented in retreat and camp T-shirts.) I was just close enough to develop a genuine appreciation for the youth ministers and core members but not close enough to commit to a year-round official association with Edge.

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Katie Gray

Holistic Self-Care as a Youth Minister

Not only did I fail at caring for my body nutritionally, but I’d quickly get lost in my day and forget to prioritize prayer. You guys! I had an adoration chapel steps from my office door, so what made it so hard to make the time to be with Jesus? If I didn’t hold myself to this perfect standard, I’d just let the ball drop more quickly. “Oh, I didn’t make it to the chapel last week, so I guess this is my new expectation of myself.”

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