Tough Love: a Catholic Response to Sin

The more I see that He suffered, the more clearly I see how much He loves humanity. It is a solemn reminder that love is rarely easy — it can be tough and even ugly.

Sinning is Fun

Even the Bible admits sin is fun. The Book of Hebrews talks about enjoying “the fleeting pleasures of sin” (Hebrews 11:25). Of course, the key word in that passage is “fleeting.” Sin presents itself as enjoyable, fulfilling, and exactly what we need. But the fun doesn’t last.

Mistakes You Need to Let go of

We all mess up. So, instead of beating yourself up about all the things you’ve done wrong, here are some things you should surrender to God and let go of

What Jesus Thinks About “That One Sin”

That’s where I was about a year and a half ago. I was still going to Church every Sunday, and I was involved in a youth group, but I wasn’t praying as much. Life slowly became less about loving God and loving the people around me, and more about what I wanted. Sin, and one form of sin in particular, started to make its way back into my life.

Identifying Truth in a World of Counterfeits

In my pursuit of truth, over and over I’ve arrived at truths, only to find out they were already upheld by the Catholic Church. This really helped me see how my previous perspective about the Church “forcing” truth onto people was off the mark.

Don’t be Fooled: How to See Past the Glamour of Sin

Sin can disguise itself as whatever it can, but it can be the most dangerous when it puts on the mask that it’s something so beautiful, so precious, and so well loved that you feel ostracized if you don’t take part in it.