Life as a Catholic Teen According to Gifs

In this era of the Internet and social media, we’re able to stay connected with our brothers and sisters all over the world. We may be in different locations, but we’re all connected under one body in Christ and in the experiences that we share. And these experiences can either be expressed in words, pictures, or even memes. It’s funny how a single experience or emotion can be summed up in just one picture or gif. But that’s the world we live in, and I personally love it. So, without further ado, here is life as a Catholic teen, according to gifs.

When you go to youth group for the first time

If you think about it, we were all like baby Yoda once. The first time we go to youth group, we look around blinking and wide-eyed, waddling around following the person who invited us, wondering what’s going to happen next. But then you find yourself going to consecutive youth nights of pizza, prayer, and Jesus. Look back you will not, and gain a relationship with God you shall.

When you hear the question, “does anyone feel called to pray?” during small groups

We’ve all been there at least once before. It’s the beginning of a small group, you sit in a circle and then the question comes: “Does anyone feel called to pray?” Sure, you might not fade into a bush like Homer Simpson, but that’s what it feels like when you try not to make eye contact with your group leader. But that feeling of reluctance and hesitancy will fade and eventually you’ll find yourself wanting to pray at any given moment.

Talking about your Catholic faith to your friends outside of church

You could go on for hours about what your faith means to you, how God has changed your life, and that you want your friends outside of church to experience that same feeling of joy. Sometimes your friends give it a chance and sometimes they might look at you like you’re a little crazy. But don’t be discouraged, keep being crazy for God and share His love any chance you get.

Getting your feet washed for the first time

Maybe you’ve experienced it at Mass on Holy Thursday or at the end of a session at a retreat. Getting your feet washed comes with a mixture of different emotions and I’m pretty sure I made a face like this — plus or minus a few tears. Looking back on it, it was an experience that led me closer in my relationship with Christ, despite the ticklish surprise.

When you accidentally eat meat on a Friday during Lent

It’s Friday, school is out, and the weekend is about to begin. To celebrate the end of a busy week, you grab a burger and fries, and bite into it without thinking. That’s when it hits you: it’s not just any Friday, it’s a Lenten Friday. And I oop. Don’t beat yourself up over it, though, because accidents do happen. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and remember, on Lenten Fridays, we don’t eat meat.

Being voluntold to play Judas in the parish Stations of the Cross reenactment

It’s that time of the year and they need someone to play the role of Judas, and that someone happens to be you. You might not want to do it, because that would mean that you would need to betray Jesus, something you’d never think of doing in a million years. But then you remember the importance of the Stations of the Cross and how it tells the story of our salvation, so you don on the robes in the end. Maybe you’ll get to play a different role next year, a role not named Judas.

Laying everything down during Adoration

You spend some time in Adoration at a youth night, a retreat, or on your own, and you lay everything down — and I mean everything to Jesus. There’s a weight that’s lifted off of your shoulders and the tears just come rushing out. But it’s okay because those are tears of joy and mercy from our merciful and loving God. So let it all out.

When they announce the next retreat dates

It’s exciting enough to go to youth nights, but finding out the dates for the next retreat brings joy like no other. Sometimes life can be dragging us down and just the announcement of being able to retreat away for a weekend can add a spring to our step. Rejoice! Because He is good and you finally know retreat dates.

Life as a Catholic teen can be challenging, spiritually fulfilling, and meme-tastic all at the same time. It is such a blessing to know that we have a community of fellowship and love to share in these experiences. And that truly sparks an everlasting joy.