How the Women of the Bible Became My Friends

In early January, my friend sent me a video of a spoken word by an artist named Janette, titled, “I Will Wait for You”. In the poem, Janette shares how she used to settle for men who did not love her well, hurting her heart and soul. This experience inspired her to wait for a man who truly loved the Lord. She is confident she will recognize this man because he will remind her of men from Scripture; a leader like Moses, faithful like Abraham, trusting like Daniel, inspired like Paul, attentive like Noah, steadfast like Joseph, and selfless like Christ.

I loved this. I know who these men are. I’ve heard of their adventures countless times. So naturally, I just have to wait until the man who fits these qualities walks into my life, right?

Wrong. The artist continued,

“And you will know me, and you will find me,
where the boldness of Esther meets the warm closeness of Ruth, where the hospitality of Lydia is aligned with the submission of Mary
which is engulfed in the tears of a praying Hannah.”

Esther, Ruth, Lydia? Who are these women? And who on Earth is Hannah and why is she crying so much?

My smile faded as I realized I had work to do.

You see, a few days prior to this, I was praying (well, praying and crying) before the Blessed Sacrament telling Jesus I was tired of praying about my previous relationship. I wanted to move on to the next chapter, but I didn’t know what it was supposed to be. God very tenderly explained that all He wanted was for me to become the woman I was created to be.

After watching that video, it all clicked. We learn how to be women from other women.

Go in peace.
Be healed of your affliction.
Weep no more.
You are set free.

Jesus spoke these words to the women in Scripture. He is speaking them to you now. If you’re looking downcast, you won’t hear Him over the lies from below. But, if you lift your eyes and choose the sky, He’ll help you grow into a stronger and more courageous daughter of God.

If these sound like words you need to hear (and let’s be real, they probably are), I encourage you to read Emily Wilson’s new devotional, “I Choose the Sky”. This devotional follows the lives of 17 biblical women as part of a decision to fix our eyes on Christ in order to see Him gazing at us with love.

While reading this devotional, you’ll notice many of the scripture passages end by noting how many people began to believe in Jesus because of these women. When we are who we should be, it inspires others to believe. By living into their God given gifts, my friends and the women from Scripture (they’re kinda my friends too now) became fully alive and helped me to do so as well.

For example, Nain and my friend Taylor have taught me that Christ meets us where we’re at and desires to know us intimately. Emily and Kasey show me how to have a Mary heart focused on people even though we live in a Martha world filled with tasks. Like the woman who was crippled for 18 years, Rachael knows we choose our perspective. Janet follows Lydia’s example of selfless hospitality. Lucia and the hemorrhaging woman have hopeful hearts. Daniela gives all that she has, like the woman who gives her only two coins. Erika and Priscilla are committed to evangelization. Like the little girl who rises, Timea is obedient to the Lord’s calls. Kelsey and Ruth are loyal friends. And Hannah and my dear Laura have helped me understand that Christ is enough, no matter the circumstances.

Ladies, if you’re trying to understand God’s desires for you, find comfort in knowing He has not abandoned you on this journey. He’s reaching out to you through the women who came before you, the women who are with you now, and the women you may not even know yet (like Emily Wilson). Her devotional, “I Choose the Sky,” will empower you as you commit to choosing the graces, joy, and fulfillment promised to you.

“I Choose the Sky” is available for purchase on paperback at the Life Teen Store and the Kindle Edition on Amazon