Maddy Bass
Maddy Bass

4 Things St. Faustina Taught Me About Mercy

Saint Faustina’s life is validation that Jesus can make the ordinary extraordinary. Even though we may not experience these same profound images of Jesus in our daily lives, we can look to Faustina as an instrument of total humility and trust in the Lord.

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a person washing a cup
Maddy Bass

When Work Becomes Worship

From scrubbing dirty dishes to refilling cups of lemonade at least a hundred times during dinner, it was God’s grace alone that proved to be far greater than any glory or attention I thought I needed from my peers.

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a woman looking at the sky
Maddy Bass

How the world should change after COVID-19

While this phenomenon has proved itself devastating and confusing, we cannot forget the ways in which this time has served as an opportunity for stillness and growth, allowing space for the Holy Spirit to actively move in our lives. And maybe, by reflecting on everything we’ve learned, we can better understand the need for our faith and hope outside of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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person on instagram
Maddy Bass

Catholic Accounts That Aren’t “Catholic Accounts”

There are so many accounts out there that spread the Gospel creatively and courageously through photography, art, fashion, and everyday life. When Instagram content leaves you defeated, I encourage you to follow accounts that bring beauty and color to the Christian life on social media.

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Maddy Bass

Crystals, Sage Burning, and Witchcraft… Oh My!

It was time for another one of my weekly counseling sessions. I sat in my therapist’s office, a place where I found a lot of comfort and consolation during anxious moments at the beginning of college. Just as I was beginning to rant about my life, I looked over at

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Maddy Bass

Authentic Sisterhood

Every hope I had for true, authentic sisterhood where women built each other up was shattered by the words of women who put themselves and others down. I lived in the comfort of shallow female friendships that only knew me by my appearance, not my heart.

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