Louie Latina
Louie Latina

Faith First: God at the Center

This raises an important question: how does a teen like Kyle find a way to be committed to sports, academics, and his faith while so many other teens struggle? In Matthew 6:21 Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there also your heart will be.” If our Catholic faith and our relationship with God is something that is truly a treasure in our lives, we then place it at the center of our lives.

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Louie Latina

10 New Worship Songs to Bring New Fire

New Fire breathes an air of revival, opening ourselves to the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. Just like the disciples in the Upper Room, we receive the Holy Spirit, but then we are sent into the world to create change, to utilize our gifts, talents, qualities, and abilities, and to ‘stir into flame’ the gift that God has given to us all.

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Two wedding rings on top of scripture
Louie Latina

Married In Ministry

All those who work in youth ministry and who are married know this – behind every great, passionate, enthusiastic, and strong-willed youth minister, there is an even stronger, humble, patient, and compassionate spouse. Well, let’s correct that right off the bat, not standing behind, but walking beside.

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teens at praise and worship
Louie Latina

The *New* Youth Room

Youth Rooms have become an integral part of any parish campus. Not only do they function as a designated area to hold weekly Life Nights and Edge Nights, but they also serve as a common meeting area, especially for those teens who seem to stop by daily.

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Louie Latina

Creativity in Prayer

We all have taken on a ‘do whatever it takes’ mentality in ministry over these challenging and uncertain months. But, as we have all taken on new responsibilities, new roles, and navigated through these rough waters, we recognize that some areas of our own lives may need that same attention and creativity.

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