You Got This: Words of Encouragement for Youth Ministers

Cue the Rocky theme song…You are awesome! You are a rock star! We love you. You got this!

The life of a youth minister can sometimes be a grueling and thankless job. Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of the greatest privileges to serve in ministry, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But, at some point or another, we face turmoil, conflict arises, drama occurs, complaints occur, and the list goes on. We all have days where nothing has gone our way. Sadly, we don’t always receive the thank you that we need, the pep talk that we need to hear, or the affirmation and support we need in ministry to keep moving forward. So, here’s my thank you to all of you fantastic leaders:

Your sacrifices don’t go unnoticed. Thank you for every late night, all of the texts and emails sent, all of the paperwork, set up, bus rides, and everything you do for the Kingdom.

You genuinely care about young people. Thank you for your time, communication, and all the love you provide to the young people you encounter.

You are making a huge impact on the generations below us. Youth ministry is about planting seeds and introducing young people to the beauty and truth of our faith that will hopefully be passed on and on. Thank you for sharing your faith.

You are Christ’s representative, and you are often the only source of the Gospel that teens will know. So keep living all for Him. Thank you for your bold witness to the Gospel.

And, now for my encouragement: Babe Ruth once said, “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” Wherever this blog finds you, keep going and never give up. Remember, Jesus didn’t. I believe in you. I am proud of you. Never stop dreaming big crazy dreams. Ministry is not easy. It wasn’t supposed to be. Sometimes, you might wonder why you’re doing it. You might question if all your hard work is worth it. Remember your why. Why are you in youth ministry? Why are you doing what you are doing? If I had to bet, you’re not in youth ministry because of the pay, perks, and title, but rather because you are in love with Jesus and want others to know Him. Always go back to your why.

Lastly, I can share all sorts of positive affirmations, motivational quotes, and compliments with you, but all of that pales in comparison to who God says you are. Jesus is the source where we should go to seek encouragement. Jesus is your greatest fan. He believes in you. He’s proud of you.

I leave you with these wise words from Pope Benedict: “Dear friends, may no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your faith, his name will continue to resound throughout the world.”

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash