
The Power of a Young Voice

Fifteen-year-old Greta Thurnberg had just entered High School when in August 2018, she began striking from school on Fridays to protest the Swedish government’s lack of action in climate control. Since then, she’s become a leading teen activist on the matter and even been on a tour of North America to give speeches across multiple countries.

Lover: The Gospel According to Taylor Swift

Taking a look back at and listen to her discography — full disclosure, many T Swift songs were listened to during the writing of this blog — it is obvious that Taylor Swift simply loves love.

The Ordinariness of Sainthood

Through their courage and docility, they changed the world one small yes at a time. That’s the beauty of this Love: it meets us exactly where we are and only asks us to take one more step. Jesus provides the grace - we only have to participate.

Mass, Family, and More!

The new year has begun, and it is off to the races, and so are we. Your brand new Edge Support Box for March 2021 is now live online and on its way to your parish. We are excited to share with you what we’ve been cooking up for this Spring!

10 JPII Quotes to Inspire your Ministry

Post these quotes on your walls, memorize them, share them with your teens, or simply, just pray with them and hold them close to your heart. Whatever you do, “be not afraid” of this great task set before you in ministry. The Lord is holding you close and St. John Paul II has so boldly proclaimed His words of peace.

Fruitfulness from Loss: Losing Someone in Ministry

This year has me thinking a lot about my own fruitfulness. Sometimes I get caught up in the attendance numbers or what other youth ministers are doing and get discouraged wondering if I'm producing any fruit. In the Gospels, Jesus makes it pretty clear though, that fruitfulness is his business and faithfulness is ours.

50 Fun and Free Ideas for Fall

We took some ideas off, added new goals, and reflected on the importance of embracing what the different seasons of our lives can do for us. Fall is an exciting time to spend getting creative with the people you love and also super worthwhile for our spiritual life!

A Sneak Peek at Your January Life Support Box

The first resource you'll find is a Life Night series called Making Sense. This series helps teens understand how God's grace is found in the sacraments of the Church so that they will be strengthened in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.