Journeying through life without my biological father was incredibly difficult but I was able to find hope in and let God fill that void in a few different ways.
Because you’re so little and you aren’t big enough to speak for yourself yet, there are a lot of people who are making some pretty big decisions for you, including the decision to let you live long enough to receive that treatment.
I read not just to be entertained, but to grow - to learn from the admirable characteristics of heroines, to avoid the mistakes of villains.
If you’ve ever tried your hand at rock climbing, perhaps you can see how there is lot to learn about God in the metaphor of this sport.
A few months ago two people came in a health clinic in San Bernardino and shot and killed 14 people; one of those lives that were taken was my cousin.
Truthfully, every person created possesses a unique part of God's heart that He wants the world to see, so trying to be like someone else is denying the world part of God's heart.
In the wake of tragedy, it’s a question that begs our attention, and for good reason. We ask how a loving God could let something so destructive happen, and how a loving God responds to all of it.
It is amazing to think of the many moments of my day I allow frustration over feeling like I’m not in control to get the better of me. I often allow my expectations for perfection to affect my attitude, and ultimately my gratitude.
As a kid, I thought, “How can both men and women be in the image of God? We don’t look the same!” Part of me started to worry that only men truly had that privilege and that I, being a girl, would never find my place in God’s plan or in the Church.