
A Sneak Peek at Ascend

Ascend is a lectionary-based resource that walks any reader through the Sunday Mass readings (from the first Sunday in Advent all the way through Christ the King). Ascend provides clarity to the readings by overviewing important connections, word definitions, background information, and challenges the reader to reflect on the readings through prayer, journaling, and action. Ascend successfully educates and empowers us to be fully ready to receive the Word of God at Mass on Sunday.

Blessed the Beggar: Who Are the “Poor in Spirit”?

This is one of those Scripture passages that many people 'know' (meaning, they've heard it before) but countless people fail to understand. My own parochial school teacher taught us that it simply meant God loves poor people 'more.' Ummm, to put it as charitably and bluntly as possible . . . no, that's not what it means . . .

Married In Ministry

All those who work in youth ministry and who are married know this - behind every great, passionate, enthusiastic, and strong-willed youth minister, there is an even stronger, humble, patient, and compassionate spouse. Well, let's correct that right off the bat, not standing behind, but walking beside.

5 Ways to Stay Strong in Your Faith During the Summer

But when it comes to our spiritual lives, summertime can be a time of spiritual dryness - a time when we fall off our spiritual path - especially when some youth groups don’t meet as often, if at all during the two months of summer break.

When Lent Feels Joy-Less: 7 Tips to Make it Joyful

Here we are again. Lent — a season for Christians that often brings thoughts of despair, loneliness, and (sometimes unwilling) sacrifice. We focus on what we are going to give up — maybe it’s ice cream, maybe it’s Netflix, maybe it’s picking your nose in public — whatever “it” is, […]

Don’t Overthink it: the Simplicity of Prayer

I was always told that prayer was important but whenever I showed up in prayer, I walked away perplexed and frustrated. I knew that I was missing something, but it took that very raw and awkward moment in my life to realize this: I was overthinking prayer.

Mi Morenita: What Guadalupe Taught me About Culture

While I was busy being a self-absorbed brat, I completely failed to realize the absolute gift Guadalupe is to my people of Mexican heritage. In addition to the beautiful story of how she appeared to St. Juan Diego and the incredible facts about the tilma itself (which you can read more about here, her mere presence was a sign of love to the Mexican people.

Prayers for Those EDGE Kids and Teens Who Can’t Keep Still!

Many of our EDGE kids, teens, and even adults find it challenging to be still during prayer, and as a result, they frequently give up before they even have a chance to start. God knows our hearts. He knows our limitations as well as our strengths, and He reaches out to each of us in a way that we can understand.