
Into the Desert: How to Live Your Lent with Purpose

Now, I don’t know if you’ve tried turning away from sin and being faithful to the gospel, but let me tell you, it doesn’t happen instantly. No one achieves Mother-Teresa-level-holiness overnight. It’s a journey – but so is Lent!

When Lent Feels Joy-Less: 7 Tips to Make it Joyful

Here we are again. Lent — a season for Christians that often brings thoughts of despair, loneliness, and (sometimes unwilling) sacrifice. We focus on what we are going to give up — maybe it’s ice cream, maybe it’s Netflix, maybe it’s picking your nose in public — whatever “it” is, […]

102 Things You Should Really Give Up For Lent

I present to you 102 things to give up for Lent. I stretched every muscle in my brain to come up with this list for you. Now you absolutely have NO excuse that you “can’t think of what to give up for Lent” because I DID ALL THE THINKING FOR YOU. And my head hurts now.

The Lent That Changed My Life

As a result I have so many fun memories of great adventures, a true understanding of the importance of prayer time, and a list of numerous hobbies I love.

#ShareJesus: A Social Media Challenge for Lent

So what’s it going to be this year? Chocolate? Coffee? Twitter? Hopefully you’re giving up something good this year for Lent. Maybe it’s creative, or maybe it’s the thing you give up every year. Lent is a time of removing distractions as we clear out space in our lives and […]

The Lenten Sacrifice: How It Can Save Your Life

Our Lenten sacrifice gives us an opportunity to exercise our freedom and will power, building spiritual resiliency and old-fashion discipline. It is, in fact, the most powerful weapon against the strong pull towards sin.

7 Reasons to Use Your Phone More This Lent

However, I worry that if we don’t learn to use things for the good of the Kingdom of God, we might be missing the boat. It’s the same with using your humor to glorify God, or using your body to glorify God, or using your music to glorify God - we can use our phones the same way.