Maybe you have recently been dedicating a lot of time preparing and learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation so that, in the next few months, you can count yourself as one of the thousands of Catholics that receive it every year. If this is the case, congratulations! Read on for some crucial facts that everyone preparing for Confirmation should know.
The following list is for you to use as a starting point in your journey to decide whom your “Confirmation saint-buddy” will be. Pick a saint who speaks to you somehow. Know their story. But, mostly know the power of their prayer. Ask for their intercession like you would ask for the prayers of your friends. Saying “yes” to a Confirmation saint is like saying “yes, you may always pray for my poor and weary soul.”
I work with hundreds of teens every year and when it comes to confirmation, theres a handful of teens that dive in with their whole heart. They’ve had powerful experiences of God working in their life–so much so that going to confession, mass, and Eucharistic Adoration are at the top […]
Dating advice is like spam email. You get a lot of unsolicited advice, and it feels like none of it works. So, here is a list of totally legit, God-Centered bits of advice that can help you navigate Catholic dating in 2018.
I want to share some of that wisdom with you. Here are a couple short quotes from his letters that have left a lasting impact on me.
Moreover, living out the Catholic faith means so much more than going to a certain high school or praying at a certain church on Sundays. It means we have been chosen by our heavenly Father to enter into an intimate relationship of infinite and unfailing love.
"I understand that you like getting wasted and see it as the ultimate exercise of young freedom, I used to think that way, too. The reality, though, is that it's a lie. Freedom is not "doing whatever you want."
Whether you’d like to revamp your prayer routine or don’t have a routine you’ve made your own yet, there are many ways you can work on your prayer life.
Today, I’m a living testament to God’s sense of humor. You can’t tell me that God doesn’t have a sense of humor by taking me, one of the most reluctant teenagers, and calling me to become a Youth Minister.