
Do I HAVE to go to a Catholic College to Stay Catholic?

Catholic schools are great. You should go to one if you feel that the Lord is calling you there. All I am saying is that Catholic schools are very rarely the sole reason why anyone (anyone that I know at least) stayed Catholic past high school.

3 Ways to Keep Your Faith Alive in College

Fortunately, there are just three not-so-secret ingredients to keeping your faith alive that I can guarantee you WILL find on campus, however close to or far from home you may end up.

Seeking God’s Will and Following Your Dreams

My words of wisdom are: ‘It’s OK to not know what you are doing for the rest of your life at 18 years old.’” I was quite proud of myself. Not so much when I tripped and fell off of the stage moments later.

When Life Doesn’t Follow the “Norm”

I didn’t want to lie and act like I had everything figured out because I really didn’t. So instead, I would tell them exactly what I was feeling at the time and would say, “I don’t have anything figured out and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” And even though I was being honest, it was challenging to indirectly tell them that my life wasn’t like the rest.

Men of God, Rise Up!

Being able to journey with those summer missionaries during my week of camp, and learn from the men especially, absolutely helped make me the man I am today.