
Peace During COVID-19

If you’re scared, uncertain, overwhelmed, concerned, any or all of the things, at different times, or all of them at once — hi, welcome to the human experience, it’s good to have you here.

Transforming Hurt and Hate into Peace and Love

I was tired of feeling like I was doing all this on my own. I had been carrying this large cross on my back with no one to help me. I knelt before the monstrance and began praying aloud, giving up my hate, anger, and pain to the Heavenly Father.

The Struggle is Real: Helping Teens with Mental Health

You've probably had a teenager who has wrestled with this, and a significant part of your youth group likely experiences some kind of mental health issue. So how can you help? The good news is that as a Youth Minister and someone walking with teens in the faith, Christ gives us real tools to help teens actively struggling with mental health.

More Than a Like: Social Media and Mental Health

Depending on who you ask, social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends or is the single source of all society's problems today. So how do we make sense of social media when considering our mental health and the mental health of our families?

Healthy Habits: Rebuilding Relationships This Year

With a new year comes new opportunities to build or rebuild relationships with the staff we serve with, our parishioners, parents, and especially our teens. It will be tempting to sink back into old structures, habits, and modes of doing ministry "the way things were." However, the ways we minister going forward will require vulnerability, and we will need to continue to adapt to new needs, issues and circumstances.

God Bless Emotions

You see, in order to mourn — to truly feel the depth of mourning, sadness, depression, guilt, anger, shame, anxiety, loneliness, dread, remorse, fear — we can’t numb ourselves.

You Look at Me: Advice for Facing Your Dragons

Have you ever been so overwhelmed in your life that you felt hopeless, or like you were at the end of your rope? For sure life is a beautiful gift, but one of the things that make it so beautiful is the transitions from one point to another. Its where […]

20 New Year’s Resolutions… That Aren’t Losing Weight

Before setting your resolution for the year, examine your heart. Are you trying to fix something because you dislike yourself, or are you trying to improve because you love yourself and want to glorify God in all that you do? Invite the Lord into your intentions!

The Least Wonderful Time of the Year: When Holidays Aren’t So Happy

Growing up I loved holidays and all of the traditions my family had. But, all of a sudden, my once joyful and happy holiday experience was different, very different and sad. It was only through my relationship with Jesus, prayer, and good friends that helped me navigate the least wonderful time of the year.