
Hope Doesn’t Always “Feel Good”

My mind reeled uncontrollably, worrying that I’d forgotten important to-dos, obsessing over interactions from the day, spinning with everything that could go wrong between now and the morning.

You Can Go Home to His Arms

God has proven time and time again that He’s not going anywhere. Why, then, do we fear the path ahead? Don’t we know He will be waiting for us at the end of the journey, without fail?

Grateful for a new Edge Support Box

This is the time of year when we collectively focus on gratitude. As your Edge Support Coordinator, I am grateful for you and your commitment to walking with the middle school youth in your parish. Life Teen exists to empower and equip you to lead teens closer to Christ, so I’d love to know how we did with these November 2021 resources. You can contact me directly or respond through our follow-up survey.

Silent Night…

It felt uncomfortable sitting in silence before the Lord for the first time. I questioned whether I was even praying right or if God could even hear me.

A Sneak Peek at Ascend

Ascend is a lectionary-based resource that walks any reader through the Sunday Mass readings (from the first Sunday in Advent all the way through Christ the King). Ascend provides clarity to the readings by overviewing important connections, word definitions, background information, and challenges the reader to reflect on the readings through prayer, journaling, and action. Ascend successfully educates and empowers us to be fully ready to receive the Word of God at Mass on Sunday.

We’re Following the Stars, You In?

Nativity Series Part 6 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________   Here’s a joke from the Internet to start us off: The three wise men came to the manger with gifts […]

Room in the Inn: Turning Christ Away

When Jesus knocks—which He always does—do we close the door? Do we call out, “Sorry, I’m busy!” or, “There’s no room for you here.”? Is our floor cluttered and messy? Are we prepared to let Him in, or do we send Him away, onto the next home?

It’s Time to Let Go

Life is filled with events that that require leaps of faith, trusting in the unknown. A long time ago, a young peasant girl, in the town of Nazareth, took a leap of faith. That girl was Mary.