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of the STATE OF THE YOUTH Report

The purpose of this report is to present you with the current state of our Catholic youth.

The importance of engaging young people in our faith cannot be overstated. 

While previous generations returned to their faith in adulthood, this does not hold true with today’s generation of youth. Instead, the youth need to be actively engaged with during their pivotal teen years.

This report highlights five critical areas impacting Catholic teen discipleship. 

By understanding and responding to these  areas, Catholic discipleship can offer meaningful support and guidance to today’s teens. 

These trends have been identified through conversations with the thousands of American parishes who use Life Teen Youth Ministry resources.


24% of American Youth
identify as Catholic.
Gen Z has an 8-second attention span, one second less than a goldfish.
Almost half (44%) of high schoolers report feeling persistently sad or hopeless.

BY THE #'s

2 Generations
Today’s youth belong to 2 Generations: “Generation Z” and “Gen Alpha.” Born after 1995, these generations are unlike any generation before them due to the profound influence of technology and global connectivity on their upbringing.

The Five Models
Countless evangelization models have been tried and tested with youth over the past several decades. Some fall flat, others yield fairly neutral results, and others, by the grace of God, flourish and bear incredible fruit year after year.

The 10 Strategies for Effective Youth Outreach
Learn the 10 strategies that have proven effective in leading teens closer to Christ.

After almost 40 years of serving teens, the mission of the Life Teen movement remains the same, lead teens closer to Christ.

We’ve been hard at work creating Catholic content and programs that lead teens closer to Christ since our humble beginnings in 1985.

With a focus on the Eucharist, our most holy mother Mary and forming relationships with today’s youth, we at Life Teen want to support your ministry with teens.

That’s why we offer multiple subscription options for every size parish and every size budget.

We want your parish to have innovative content that is hyper-relevant to teens, from planned teen nights, to mass resources and retreat plans, to ministry tools and training to kickstart your youth programs.

Kickstart Digital and Print Resources