Known & Loved: A Playlist for Singles

So Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and you are single.

Be honest, you read that like it’s a bad thing. I get it, it’s hard to rejoice in being single when the February buzz is all about being in a relationship and having someone special to celebrate with in time for the 14th. I’m there with you. At this time of year, it is all too easy to be deceived that the only kind of love that exists is a romantic love and that the only way you can partake in the upcoming holiday is to have a hot date lined up. Well listen up, because I am here to tell you that this is so far from the truth! Let’s change our focus and the way we are thinking about these next couple of days. Instead of fixating on a desired relationship with a person, let’s rejoice in the love that is available to us always, God’s love.

He is pursuing us and desiring us always.

Truly, the best way we can spend today and every day is to set our thoughts and attention fully on God’s great love for us and from there, returning that love back to Him in glory and praise. This practice will not only have us rejoicing, but also feeling most complete because He loves us infinitely more than any one person ever could. With our focus on God’s love, perhaps we can be less narrow in seeking that one special person fitting for the season and have our eyes opened to ALL the people in our lives God has entrusted to us to love as He loves this Valentines Day and every day moving forward.

Finally, please know of my prayers for you in recognizing God’s great love for you. Know of my prayers for the person God is preparing you for, if called to marriage. Know of my prayers for the many people He is putting in your path today to love.

I hope my playlist allows you to wind down and bask in the perfect love we are all called to, God’s love.

Click here to listen on Spotify.

Editor’s Note: We want to be sure you know that Life Teen has no control over any ads that you hear while listening to this playlist on a free spotify account. Also, just because a song is included on the playlist, that does not imply that we endorse or support everything about the artist and/or their music.