How to Have an Amazing Advent

This might sound kind of terrible, but I used to think Advent was somewhat pointless. It’s not because I don’t like Advent candles or that I’m the Grinch. It’s more that I just didn’t understand what exactly we were celebrating.

In my head I thought, Jesus isn’t coming he already came. It wasn’t that I didn’t understand the eventual reality that Jesus is coming back, but I misunderstood what was at the heart of Advent. One of the central moments of human history was when God became man. The central realization of every day for us as Christians is that the God of the universe wants to encounter us today. God is not far off. Advent is a time to experience Jesus in a new way. It’s not just remembering his past faithfulness but celebrating his current presence. We wait knowing that God will surely come.

When you think of social media who’s the first person you think of? It could be that one annoying friend who posts her every movement and complaint. Maybe it’s your mom whom you try to avoid like the plague on social media but who is always over-sharing and creeping on you. Perhaps it’s the Kardashians or or some other “celebrity” who is famous for just being on social media. The first person you thought of most likely wasn’t Jesus. If Jesus Christ is central to your very existence, shouldn’t He be central to your usage of social media? #ShareJesus was started on the idea that the good news is so good that we have to find creative ways to communicate it effectively online.

So this Advent, do something a little bit different and make your Advent amazing by not only getting to know Jesus in a new way, but also by sharing Him with your friends, your classmates, and family.

Here’s what #ShareJesus is: a 2 to 3 minute video on Jesus from a top Catholic speaker (including many familiar Life Teen faces) that is both engaging and easily shareable.

I’m convinced the best Advent we can have is one that we share with the people we love. Check out the promo below and you can get more information at