God in My Hispanic/Latino Heritage

As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, I’ve been thinking a bit about what it means for me to be part of this great culture. As I shared with you via Instagram, I especially love how my heritage connects me to a beautiful people — people who overcome, people who are resilient, and people who are great witnesses to God’s faithfulness. It is humbling to realize how God has been present to me through the faith of the many people whose faith paved the way for me to live as a disciple in that way that I do right now. Que bendición.

That said, obviously, this month isn’t just about me. It’s about us — all of us who are part of this culture, and all of those who are witnesses to what our Hispanic/Latino people offer to our Church, our country, and our world. So we asked YOU young Hispanic/Latino Catholics how you see God in your heritage. And let me tell you, you guys had some lovely responses. Here are just a few of the ones that stood out:

We see God in Our Lady of Guadalupe

By far, la Virgencita got the most shoutouts. And it is only fitting for a Reina like her. Through her presence on our soil, in her being both a reflection of Heaven AND a reflection of our people, we truly experience God’s love for us.

In our value of family! And especially in our devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe ❤️

Dec 12th through celebrating the feast day of the Virgen de Guadalupe!

Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe!! And matachines, of course

La virgen de Guadalupe 🤩

All the Guadalupe statues and novena booklets

We see God in our familia.

Family is so important in our culture, which is huge in God’s eyes as well (heard of the Ten Commandments? Yeah, this is in there!). We believe God is love, and for so many of us, our families are love too.

In the way we care for the elderly I saw my mom care for my great grandfather for years.

When I see my abuelita pray her 15th rosary of the day

I see it in the strong relationship I have in my Mexican heritage family.

By putting family and God first

i love that I get to call God Papá. I know in English you can also call God father. It’s more personal.

We see God in our traditions.

There are way too many traditions to name here given the richness of each country in Latin America. But what is true for all of them is that they have been passed down through generations that have always sought after God, in the good and the bad. There is a lot of blessing in that!

Latino-Catholic traditions are THE BEST! You can’t change my mind 😝

I see God in the beautiful traditions of my heritage

In the traditions we celebrate!

In the Hispanic traditions

Celebramos la Navidad por una fiesta en 24 de diciembre y cantamos feliz cumpleaños a jc

We see God in how we live the faith.

Our faith and our Hispanic/Latino culture are so beautifully intertwined. Our joy in the midst of every victory and every struggle, the way we let faith permeate every part of our lives — this is truly a gift from God!

Our JOY! Living in that daily experience of misericordia as people of PASCUA!

If it wasn’t for my Latino heritage I probably wouldn’t have been catholic ✝️

Thanks for sharing how you see God in our cultura. It is not just a gift for us, but a gift to be shared with all. I pray that you find a way to see God in it always! ¡Bendiciones!

Photo by Nick Bernard.