We love having our clergy attend Steubenville Florida!


  • To register for the conference, please fill out the Clergy Registration form below.
  • In addition to completing the online registration form, you must complete a digital liability form and submit a Letter of Good Standing.
  • The link to the digital liability form will be sent in your registration confirmation email once you fill out the registration form below.
  • The registration fee for priests is waived in gratitude for your willingness to hear confessions, concelebrate Mass, and be present to the teens during the conference.
  • However, if you register and then your plans change and you are no longer able to attend the conference, please let us know by emailing our Life Teen Steubenville Team at [email protected].
  • You need not be included in your group’s registration. By completing the form below, we will ensure that you have a seat with your group during the conference sessions.
  • Please note that group leader’s are responsible for securing housing for clergy attending with their group.


  • Deacons who wish to vest for conference liturgies must fill out the Clergy Registration form below and submit a Letter of Good Standing.
  • Deacons who do not wish to vest for conference liturgies do not need to submit the Clergy Registration form or a Letter of Good Standing.
  • Deacons attending the conference with a parish group must also be included in the group’s registration numbers, including full payment, and should fill out the digital liability form via the group’s paperwork link.
  • Please note that group leader’s are responsible for securing housing for clergy attending with their group.


Original Letters of Good Standing must be submitted no later than May 19th. Please download the appropriate Letter of Good Standing form, have the letter signed by their Bishop, or if a Religious Order Priest, their Superior, and mail it to the Diocese of Orlando with the address below no later than May 19th:

Letter of Good Standing â€“ Priests
Letter of Good Standing â€“ Deacons

Sr. Maria Acosta, SCTJM
Bishop’s Office
P.O. Box 1800
Orlando, FL 32802

If you are a priest or deacon actively serving in the Diocese of Orlando, there is no need for you to send a Letter of Good Standing to the chancellor, as we will request it on your behalf. However, please fill out the form below.

If you have any questions about the conference or site, please contact Ann Sottile at [email protected] or (843) 270-7489.

Clergy Registration Form