OCTOBER 13-15, 2024 // BOERNE, TX


We’ve crafted an entire conference with the sole focus of helping you start solid youth ministry in your parish! We’ll be providing you an opportunity to witness first-hand a thriving Life Teen youth ministry program in action. Then we’ll be walking through the essential components for launching or revitalizing youth ministry in your parish. You can expect to receive a systematic, comprehensive introduction to quality youth ministry along with the practical steps to make it happen. And, because youth ministry flows to and from the sacraments, this training won’t just be about the logistics of ministry, but will also provide you an opportunity to renew your own relationship with Christ.


If you’re brand new to youth ministry or brand new to Life Teen or Edge, this conference is for you! And bring your priest, music minister, and anyone else who is or will be a key player in your ministry. If you’re a veteran youth minister, this conference is a great one to send new staff or new core members to so you can rest assured they’ve received systematic, quality training as they begin to serve. You’re guaranteed to walk away from this training plugged into a vast network of support, knowing that you’re not in this alone.


Monica Harness
Kelly Simpson
Jill Bagshaw
Avery Utz
Fr. Michael Coronado
Josh Blakesley
Josh Blakesley


The conference will be held on the parish grounds St. Peter the Apostle inside the beautiful Cana Ballroom. The first Catholic Church in Boerne, Texas, (just outside of San Antonio), St. Peter the Apostle was founded in 1866 and is home to a vibrant and growing Catholic community of over 2,300 families. They’ve had an active Life Teen youth ministry program for over 15 years, so they know a thing or two about serving teenagers!

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
202 W. Kronkosky St.
Boerne, TX 78006


Rooms are also available at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 34935 IH-10 West, Boerne, TX 78006 for a discounted rate of $118/night – including breakfast! Rooms must be booked using this booking link, or by calling the hotel at 830-816-8800. Be sure to mention the Life Teen Genesis Conference to receive the discounted rate. The cutoff date is September 30th. However, the room block is limited so don’t wait to book your room!

The Hampton Inn & Suites is 1.2 miles from St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church.


Registration Closes: September 19th


On Sunday, check-in will take place at St. Peter the Apostle Cana Ballroom from 2:00-3:30pm. The opening session will start at 3:30pm. On Tuesday, the conference will end at 12:30pm. The conference site is approximately 35 minutes away from the San Antonio International Airport, so keep that in mind when booking your flights. Click here for a full schedule

If you are flying to the conference, the closest airport is the San Antonio International Airport (SAT). The airport is approximately 35 minutes from the conference site. We recommend having flights arrive before 1:30pm on Sunday and after 2:30pm on Tuesday. Transportation is not provided by Life Teen from the airport to the conference site. Our recommendation is that you rent a car for the weekend, but Super Shuttle, Uber, or Lyft are other options to get from the airport to the hotel. The average cost of an Uber from the airport will be around $50 one way.Conference registration includes all sessions, materials, dinner on Sunday, and lunch & dinner on Monday. Room reservations must be booked directly with the hotel.

$250 Early Bird // Register by September 15th
$350 Regular Rate // September 16th Onward

Conference registration includes all sessions, materials, dinner on Sunday, and lunch & dinner on Monday. Room reservations must be booked directly with the hotel.

To request to add on spots, please fill out this Fall Genesis Adding Spots Form and our team will be happy to fulfill your request.

All registration fees must be paid no later than September 15th.  Payment can be made by check or credit card.

Checks should be made out to Life Teen and mailed to:

Life Teen, Inc.
ATTN: Genesis 2024
P.O. Box 117299
Atlanta, GA 30368-7299

To submit a credit card payment, click here to view and pay your balance. You will need your group leader first name, group leader last name, email address and confirmation code to log in. Once logged in, you will be able to put in your credit card information and submit your payment.

  • All registration fees are due no later than September 15th (or immediately if today’s date is after September 15th).
  • Cancellation by September 1st: $100 cancellation fee
  • Cancellation between September 1st-September 15th: $150 cancellation fee
  • Cancellation after September 15th: no refund
  • Unpaid registrants who cancel after September 15th will be held responsible for payment. No shows will also be held responsible for payment. Please let us know if you are unable to attend!
  • Registrants who were registered via any type of scholarship, grant, or other complimentary spot who choose to cancel will be charged cancellation fees according to the above listed policies.
  • Registrants who were registered using a premium conference credit who choose to cancel will have the option to forfeit their credit or pay the cancellation fees according to the above listed policies.

We are here to help you!  You can always contact the Events Team with any questions you may have.

Katie Cionci
Director of Training Events, 480-820-7001 ext. 101

Julianna Nett
Events Registration Coordinator
jnett@lifeteen.com800-809-3902 ext. 231