Dear Future Husband…

The past few months every time I’ve turned on the radio, Meghan Trainor’s “Dear Future Husband” song is always playing. It’s an adorable song that’s super catchy and stays in your head all day long. With Valentine’s day approaching I thought it would be interesting to write my own little somethin’, somethin’ for my future husband using Meghan’s lyrics as inspiration.

Dear Future Husband,

“Here’s a few things you’ll need to know.. if you wanna be my one and only all my life Take me on a date…I deserve a break. And don’t forget the flowers every anniversary ‘Cause if you’ll treat me right I’ll be the perfect wife…”

There’s a very good chance that you might be reading this right now and that’s super exciting and scary all at once. I find myself asking “what is he doing at this very moment?, Where does he live, what’s his favorite sports, What is he truly passionate about, Does he think about me, often?” I figured you’re probably around my age and you must struggle with maybe a lot of the same things I do. With that being said I pray for you often asking Our Lord to shower you with graces. But in the midst of it all what helps me keep on track is writing letters to you; it makes you more tangible and real instead of some made up daydream. But I wanted to take a moment and write you a letter. So yes, there are more than a few things you need to know if you wanna be my one and only.

For one I’m crazy ball of energy that sometimes can’t shut up, I love life, brunch, and long walks on the beach.

What I’m most looking forward to in our relationship is going on dates with you, I want you to take me on a date(s), whether that includes romantic dinners, hikes, or trips out for ice cream But most importantly, you need to know that my favorite dates will always be ones that include prayer, or start with adoration or end with a rosary. If we are dating then you know how important my faith is. My Catholic faith is my life. I expect you to be my St. Joseph and nothing less.

If you’re the one for me I know that you’ll treat me like the daughter of God that I am. I mean by all means feel free to spoil me as much as you want (I’m not going to stop you) but remember that it doesn’t mean much more to me than a bouquet of flowers or a love note tucked into my book to make me feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I know being a guy can be hard but it really doesn’t take much to make that girl in your life feel like cloud nine. So please don’t forget the flowers every anniversary.

Because honestly when you treat me right, because there is no “if” you treat me right. St. Paul truly meant it when he said “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25-26). I may have never given my entire heart to any man as of yet, but doesnt mean I haven’t been hurt. A couple of guys have played with my heart strings making me believe that maybe, just maybe there was a spark. But, no, what it really was, was a play off of my emotions and in a way that hurts the most. It would leave me thinking maybe” if I did this, or did that,” that maybe things would be different. Everytime this happens I slightly lose hope in finding you.

Yet, our Lord in the silence of my heart tells me to Trust in Him, and that worrying over such trivial things will feel so stupid. Because when I find you I know God will grant me such peace. A peace that not even myself will be able to explain. I will just know for a fact that that You and I are following God’s will. And what a beautiful thing that is.

I am nowhere close to being perfect. I’m human and can make stupid mistakes, I get anxious a lot, and have a hard time trusting. But I will do my best to be your perfect wife, I will love you, comfort you when you’re sad, and always listen to you when you need to vent out some anger. “However let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband” (Ephesians 5:33).

“You gotta know how to treat me like a lady even when I’m acting crazy tell me everything’s alright…”

I have no way of knowing just exactly where you are in life right now. But I can only hope that you’re surrounded by godly women in your life that have taught you how to treat a woman with respect, dignity, and love. I have no doubt that you’ll treat me like a lady I won’t allow myself to settle for anything else. I know that I’ll have found you when you not only will respect my standards but you will make me reach for higher ones and encourage me to reach sainthood.

Now don’t worry, I’ll be doing my best to make you a saint too I have no doubt that within one year of Marriage you will probably be close to canonization because let’s just say I’m a lot to handle. I can get very hyper when I get nervous, I randomly make sound effects and and spout off LOTR/Star Wars references at wildly inappropriate times. You’ll soon learn how to gently tell me I’m acting crazy and that everything will be alright.

“Open doors for me and you might get some kisses. Don’t have a dirty mind just be a classy guy…”

When a man loves a woman he doesn’t just say it. He proves it. I want you to know future husband that I pray for you everyday. It’s very hard for me to be a godly woman in this society, I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it is for you to be a godly man in this society. When I pray for you I ask that Jesus will help you become the man of God that he has created you to be, then I pray that your guardian angel will protect your eyes, ears, mouth from sin and anything that might dim the luster of your heart that must mirror only Christ-like purity. And finally that Mother mary will wrap you underneath her loving mantle.

Its amazing to think God has found someone who will be able to put up with my impromptu drives to Chipotle, 5:30 am sunrise photo shoots, firefly watching, online shopping addiction, self. I can’t wait to swoon you over with my awkwardness and my favorite Catholic pick up lines.

Can’t wait to meet you love.

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