The Naked Truth About Modesty

Modesty can look different for different people — I’m just seeking to offer a new perspective, drawn from my own personal experiences.

How to Spend the “Best Date”

April 25 tends to bring clear skies and plenty of sunshine. Here are some ideas for how to get the most out of the “best date” of the year, as well as the entire spring season.

Embrace Your Inner Environmentalist

Pope Francis goes on to call for a change in our habits in order to preserve the environment we have been blessed with and called to protect. Following in his footsteps, here are some ideas for how you can reduce your ecological footprint, leaving this beautiful Earth we are privileged to inhabit better than you found it.

Putting an End to Body Shame

What should’ve been an inconsequential comment ended up being the beginning to a long journey of body-consciousness. Over time, my “buff” body didn’t change and I became increasingly uncomfortable in my own body. I sucked at every sport I tried, never fit right in my clothing, and had a terrible sweet tooth.

5 Old Testament Men and What They Teach us About Masculinity

This vision of true, Catholic manhood isn’t new, “progressive,” or “liberal.” It’s actually affirmed by the way Jesus lived and ministered in the ancient world — it precedes many of our “traditional” notions of masculinity by thousands of years.

Why Men Need Hobbies

Spoiler alert: the world will never satisfy, its benefits are short-lived, and continuing to take from the chip bowl of the world just leaves us feeling as though we are incapable of doing anything on our own. Hobbies teach us to have a bias towards action – to happen to the world in a productive way rather than to take from it.

Masculinity: Fact and Fiction

In reality, none of these examples has anything to do with masculinity. Telling someone to “man up” in situations like these not only spreads incorrect ideas about what makes a man a man, but it also can also belittle others and make them wonder if there is something wrong with them – all because of an arbitrary, silly stereotype that managed to become popular.

Saving and Spending Like a Saint: 5 Money Tips

I didn’t realize that God was entrusting responsibility to me through my use of money. I believed that money was ‘out of my control’, ‘the root of all evil’, that I would always be running out it, and that to know too much about money meant I had made an idol of it.

Rethinking Feminism

As a woman seeking every day to be transformed by the love and mercy of Jesus and allowing that to inform how I make my way through this life, I would be honored if you could consider the things that feminism means to me.