A Love That Can’t be Earned

I knew God loved me, but I didn’t feel it after I messed up. The conviction I felt convinced me that God did not love me as much as He did before, and that I could never earn that same love back.

Hope for the Sinner

Just as sin can rewire our brain and change the way we tend to react, virtue can rewire us for greatness.

Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters to Happen?

I continued to look back and forth between the TV, which was showing all of this destruction, and the window, through which I could see nothing but blue skies. It was an unsettling feeling and left me with a question you’ve probably asked a time or two: Why does God allow this to happen?

3 Benefits of Being Vulnerable

Still, it can be difficult to see why being vulnerable is a good idea. Sometimes, it seems downright foolish. But it isn’t for nothing; it’s for love.