
Springtime brings a rush of promposals among juniors and seniors in high school, and the excitement mounts as the day of the dance approaches. While not every student chooses to attend prom, its enduring popularity makes it a beloved pop culture staple for teenagers, including Catholics. So, we turned to […]

He Was Beside Me All Along

“Love transfigures everything and touches the most banal realities with the note of infinity.” – Father Jacques Philippe On a mission trip to Albany, New York, I served parishes and communities in the surrounding cities over spring break. As I sat on the plane on the way back to school, […]

What Your Hydro Says About You

Walking around campus, everyone seemed to have a version. The laptop covered in decals. The bookbag coated with buttons. The water bottle plastered with stickers.  People used these items to physically express their identity. Labels, really … right?  With those “labels,” it was easy to establish expectations of someone before […]

Helping Teens Navigate Stress: Practical Tips for the Road Ahead

It was a Thursday night, and I remember sitting on my bathroom floor weeping, thinking to myself, “I wonder how long it will take them to notice?” I was 16, newly licensed, playing high school basketball and club volleyball, attending agility training twice a week, trying to maintain my grades […]

Why Cheating Sucks: The Merits of Academic Honesty

It was tempting because nobody would find out. I also needed the money. And it was one paper. I remember the moment clearly, standing at my locker and contemplating the offer. $20 for a paper. My friend, desperate for a decent grade, asked me to write his English paper in […]

My Trauma is Not My Home


In whatever trauma or suffering you have endured, are enduring, or will endure in the future, sit with his tender heart. Hear his gentle and compassionate voice as he affirms how you are at that moment. Let him roar necessary truth into your soul and whisper consolation to your ears. His melody awaits you.

Discipleship: Consistency is Key

inside of a church

One of my favorite things about Jesus is His consistency. His character is never in question. He lives His whole life following after the Father, there is no question of His faithfulness.

The Ordinariness of Sainthood

ice cream scoop

Through their courage and docility, they changed the world one small yes at a time. That’s the beauty of this Love: it meets us exactly where we are and only asks us to take one more step. Jesus provides the grace – we only have to participate.

Kicking Boredom in the Face

a woman

To keep you from having in-depth emotional conversations with the inanimate objects in your house here are a few fun suggestions to keep the boredom at bay…