“Me Before You” and the Problem with Assisted Suicide
“Com-passion,” “suffering with” Jesus and others is true dignity, not euthanasia.
“Com-passion,” “suffering with” Jesus and others is true dignity, not euthanasia.
The question is: Does the film succeed in covering this omnipresent yet hidden aspect of Mother Teresa’s life? Is it actually the focus of the film?
Why should you see this film? To honor the victims, first of all, and second of all to understand how corruption — of any sort — works, in order to be vigilant and oppose it. NEVER AGAIN.
I’m declaring the riveting and flawless “Pawn Sacrifice” (the story of chess prodigy Bobby Fischer, played with acting genius by Tobey Maguire) the best film of 2015.
I’m a nun. Technically, I’m a religious Sister, because “nun” refers to cloistered contemplatives. But no matter. We answer to “nun,” too, because it’s in common parlance and rhymes with a lot of words… like “fun.” So, what’s it like being married to Jesus? Real. Very real. It is not