Sam Brebner
Sam Brebner

Church is More Than Sunday Mass

“What’s the point?” That was the question I found myself asking during Mass one Sunday. I doubt it was the first time I had asked this question. I’m sure I challenged my parents with it most Sundays when they would drag me to church as a kid. But this time

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Sam Brebner

Sinning is Fun

Even the Bible admits sin is fun. The Book of Hebrews talks about enjoying “the fleeting pleasures of sin” (Hebrews 11:25). Of course, the key word in that passage is “fleeting.” Sin presents itself as enjoyable, fulfilling, and exactly what we need. But the fun doesn’t last.

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Sam Brebner

What Jesus Thinks About “That One Sin”

That’s where I was about a year and a half ago. I was still going to Church every Sunday, and I was involved in a youth group, but I wasn’t praying as much. Life slowly became less about loving God and loving the people around me, and more about what I wanted. Sin, and one form of sin in particular, started to make its way back into my life.

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Sam Brebner

An Introduction to the Real Gentleman

Men, there’s nothing wrong with culturally accepted gentlemanly behaviors like learning how to tie a bow tie, treating a girl nicely, or minding your manners, but we need to realize that being a gentleman is about a lot more than these behaviors. Being a true gentleman starts with building a foundation of manly virtue in our lives.

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