Kelly Colangelo
Kelly Colangelo

Loving Every Teen You Minister To

Love. Kindness. Compassion. Acceptance. These should be foundational attributes in every youth leader. We walk into parish halls, meeting rooms, and youth rooms with an immense responsibility to find love in all of the young people we minister to and empower them to continue to find love in others.

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Kelly Colangelo

You Got This: Words of Encouragement for Youth Ministers

We all have days where nothing has gone our way. Sadly, we don’t always receive the thank you that we need, the pep talk that we need to hear, or the affirmation and support we need in ministry to keep moving forward. So, here’s my thank you to all of you fantastic leaders:

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Kelly Colangelo

The Do’s and Don’ts of Real Friends

Friendship is a topic we talk about all the time, but how exactly do we recognize when a friendship is going sour or even the joys and challenges in friendship? How do we identify when friends are not good friends?

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A man walking through a subway tunnel
Kelly Colangelo

Loneliness is Hard

As a high school student, to say my schedule was packed would have been an understatement. My time at school was spent either in class, at club meetings, or at sports practice. Outside of school, I had youth group and volunteer work on top of my social life with my

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Kelly Colangelo

The Lie of Self-Reliance

I can do it on my own…I don’t need anyone…I can’t trust anyone…I can only trust myself. Have you ever said anything like this? Or, have you ever believed that you could make it through this life on your own? We live in a time where being independent, totally independent, is a sought-after quality.

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Kelly Colangelo

3 Statements Every Relationship Needs

I have learned that relationships require good communication, respect, sacrifice, understanding, and commitment. I have also learned that embracing the following three statements are necessary for all relationships…

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Kelly Colangelo

Shame, Shame, go Away

Shame is rooted deep within our hearts. Whether you geographically move, change schools, or try to erase memories, shame still has a way of affecting us.

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