Kelsey Dassance
ice cream scoop
Kelsey Dassance

The Ordinariness of Sainthood

Through their courage and docility, they changed the world one small yes at a time. That’s the beauty of this Love: it meets us exactly where we are and only asks us to take one more step. Jesus provides the grace – we only have to participate.

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Jesus painting
Kelsey Dassance

Jesus, a Nice Guy?

His love is not an act of kindness or obligation – but a personal testimony to your fulfillment. He desires that you live life fully alive and He offers you the freedom to embrace that in His love, not in His nice-ness.

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crucified Jesus
Kelsey Dassance

We Still go to the Cross

The Lord went to the cross for this moment. He went to the cross so our pain and suffering didn’t have to be the end of the story. He went to the cross so He could be united with us, on Earth and in Heaven, and empower us to carry our crosses in this life until we meet Him in the next.

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three people reading
Kelsey Dassance

Holy Wokeness

Just as these saints and so many others have witnessed to us, our universal call as Christians challenges us to live in the world but not of the world, but this does not mean we are called to live in isolation from the current times. In fact, the Gospel has equipped us with the power to speak light and life into our world, just as Jesus did.

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painting of heaven
Kelsey Dassance

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Fulfillment will only come when we orient our hearts towards the home we are eternally destined for. But this begs the question, what will heaven actually be like? What does that eternal destiny mean?

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Kelsey Dassance

What Teen Vogue Doesn’t Tell You

I’m not here to dispute these lies by listing all the reasons why this perspective is false and destructive (you can find information on the harmful effects of porn right here), but I would eagerly like to offer you another perspective.

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Kelsey Dassance

What Love is Not

When we invest our hearts into these counterfeit ideas of love, we are selling ourselves short of the real, life-giving encounter that the Father desires for us. Love is meant to be a light in the world, not to dispel us to the darkness of sin and insecurity.

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