The Pursuit: Long Distance Relationships
Those that have endured a long distance relationship know it takes trust, communication, patience, and a million other virtues.
Those that have endured a long distance relationship know it takes trust, communication, patience, and a million other virtues.
We are still looking for more men to apply to serve on summer staff at Life Teen’s 2018 summer camps. There are so many reasons for why you should apply and experience a life-changing summer through Life Teen summer missions, but don’t just take my word for it — listen to these guys who have lived it:
The time is up for “nice guys” who do “enough” to feel good about themselves and move along.
God did not create us as pre-programmed robots, He made us to have free will and the abilities to learn, grow, adapt, and adjust.
Temperatures are going down, lights and trees are going up, and that one Mariah Carey song is all over the radio. All of these things can only mean one thing: Christmas is almost here! This holiday season, you can pretty much count on a couple of things: Elf will be
Being able to journey with those summer missionaries during my week of camp, and learn from the men especially, absolutely helped make me the man I am today.
With the pep rallies and pom-poms though comes a tough fact: it can be a struggle to balance your playing time with your praying time.
We had a chance to ask Laura Toggs some more questions about this revival and Hillsong Young & Free!
This is the classic “all-or-nothing” decision we have to make with Jesus. He either rose from the dead, or He didn’t; there’s no in-between.