Caitlin Sica
Caitlin Sica

Overcoming the Hookup Culture

So many of us have grown up in the hookup culture that we’ve become desensitized, or perhaps completely unaware, of the waters in which we are swimming. As such, we’ve lost sight of the purpose for which we were created, the purpose and intent of sex, and we’ve settled for something less, something counterfeit.

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Caitlin Sica

I Love Thanksgiving

The slight drawback to going to Thanksgiving Mass is that we end up missing the majority of the Macy’s Day Parade (but free, amazing bread… plus Jesus… so the ‘sacrifice’ is nominal).

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Caitlin Sica

Mid-Year Music Review

Music is an incredible language that speaks to each of us in unique ways. Nevertheless, it can also be easy to listen to a song without thinking twice about the message it’s sending. And, oftentimes, these are powerful messages that we should be thinking twice about.

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Caitlin Sica

Top 15 Tweetable moments from #GaudeteetExsultate

Pope Francis, in his most recent Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), discusses the Universal Call to Holiness in today’s world, and focuses especially on “middle class holiness”–that is, “holiness found in our next-door neighbours, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence” (7). Gaudete et

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Caitlin Sica

My Pro-Life Stance: Then and Now

If you had asked me seven years ago if I was pro-life, I would have automatically said, “Personally, yes, but politically, I’m pro-choice.” I took the comfortable position, the position that didn’t impose my beliefs on anyone else. I was able to take this stance because I knew nothing about abortion statistics, and because I had two major misconceptions about what it meant to be pro-life

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Caitlin Sica

Comparing Isn’t Helping You and Here’s Why…

Albert Einstein famously said the following: “Every one is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” More often than not, I believe we are the fish, judging ourselves on our inability to

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