Caitlin Sica
A family at the beach during sunset
Caitlin Sica

The Family – The Building Block of Society & Hope of the World

Because the family is the basic cell of society, and because we are called to be in relationship with one another, each Christian has the right and duty to participate in society, be an active member of one’s community, and contribute to the good and well-being of all families. Especially those who are poor and vulnerable.

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A girl in the woods
Caitlin Sica

A Lived Faith – The Dignity of the Person

Maybe it sounds harsh. But I think our society has somehow forgotten this essential truth that has been made known for us from the very beginning: “God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

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a person journaling
Caitlin Sica

Service During COVID-19

Not just the elderly, but those who have cancer, auto-immune disorders, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, asthma, are pregnant, etc. We have a civic duty, and more importantly, a Christian duty, to protect them. In the coming weeks, when we grow tired and despondent from self quarantining, we must remember that human life is at the center of this, even if it is not our own life that is in imminent danger.

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Woman opening her bible
Caitlin Sica

5 Underrated Women in the Bible

While Mary is certainly the pinnacle of women who have helped to achieve God’s plan (I mean, Mother of God, you can’t get a better title than that), there are many other biblical women who were strong, brave, and courageous in giving their own “yes” to God.

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two men smiling
Caitlin Sica

Saying Sorry 101

More than once I’ve been known to get in the pitfalls of a “bad” apology — apologies I might quickly challenge someone else on as inauthentic were roles reverse.

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Caitlin Sica

5 New Saints for Our Church

On October 13, 2019, in St. Peter’s Square, at a Mass with over 50,000 attendees, Pope Francis declared Sister Dulce Lopes Pontes, Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan, Cardinal John Henry Newman, Margurite Bays, and Giuseppina Vannini saints.

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man praying
Caitlin Sica

Who’s the Gospel Really For?

The reality is, the Gospel is, perhaps first and foremost, for ME. If I want to share the Gospel with people, I must recognize how desperately I need to encounter and be rooted in, the Good News – not just once – but Every. Single. Day.

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