Blanca Morales
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Blanca Morales

Not Irish on St. Paddy’s Day

This is what I find most inspiring about Patrick: he returned to the land of his captivity, to the very people who mistreated him. But instead of holding a grudge or seeking vengeance, he showed them love and mercy.

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Blanca Morales

Equal but Different: Wisdom on Being Men and Women of God

Society so often pits men and women against one another in a battle of the sexes, but what if instead of being at odds, we learned to value each other for the unique gifts we’ve been given? Seems like a better use of our time and effort! Saint Catherine of Siena said that if we want to set the world ablaze, we simply need to be who we were created to be. Imagine being so confident in our identity as sons and daughters of God that we light up the world just by being ourselves and encouraging each other to live up to our full potential.

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Blanca Morales

4 Saints you Need to be Friends with ASAP

Maybe these new friends can intercede for you as you take on Spanish class, or help you navigate life with Hispanic parents, holiday parties with lots of relatives, and abuelas who try overfeed you without understanding the concept of veganism (“What, you don’t eat pork?!”)

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Blanca Morales

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Straddling two countries, two cultures, or two languages is an exhausting balancing act many “minorities” grapple with.

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